Hi expert, hope you know about this info as I cannot find any trick for this issue !?In the new IDE we can see that we have two ways to create an Adaptive RFC Model, the old one which is deprecated but works and the new one which is called : "Adaptiv...
Hi Colleague,I hope you will be able to help me here ...One WebService has been created by using XI into ABAP Backend, and I have the correct corresponding WSDL.I can reach it.I was able to import and create the model into my IDE.Unfortunately, exceu...
Hi All,In ABAP there is a class: CL_GDT_CONVERSION + method GUID_INBOUND or GUID_OUTBOUND which allows converting UUID.Convert a UUID from ABAP internal format to ISO 11578 / IETF Draft formatUUID string format example: "f81d4fae-7dec-11d0-a765-00a0c...
Hi All,I am using the TableRowGrouping element allowing to group elements.But I need sometime to show in the same table flat list, without grouping by any value.How can I do this ??Thanks for your help, support and so on Best regards, Emmanuel.
Hi All,Is it possible to change the value of the property page : "com.sap.portal.private.page.PersonalizationComponent" ?The default value is :"pcd:portal_content/every_user/general/personalization_page"Is it possible to give something else, like ano...
Hi Abhilasha,I checked already and it works perfectly within this systemI get : JCo destination 'SAP_A1S_WD_META' was sucessfully tested with user ... for both JCO destinationIt seems to be something else ...Best rgards, Emmanuel.