Member since ‎2010 Jun 27

User Statistics

  • 162 Posts
  • 3 Solutions
  • 105 Kudos given
  • 549 Kudos received

User Activity

It has been three months since I decided to completely reshape my career moving from an SAP senior consultant role to an AWS cloud solutions architect role. I knew this was an unconventional move, and several risks were involved in the process, but i...
Recently, I've been checking some examples of unit and currency conversions based on ABAP CDS views and I noticed is quite common to find people applying manual conversions in the formulas. A simple example of a days to years conversion is conceived...
Starting now this new series of posts I am going to discuss an integration scenario between Web IDE and Jira involving one of the latest integration services available in SAP Cloud Platform called Open Connectors. Integrate Web IDE and Jira using SCP...
I recently received an invitation to prepare and run a presentation to the IT Brazilian community in Sydney, subject free and with the main purpose of sharing experiences which may help other consultants in their SAP career's development. With this ...
I've been covering some interesting techniques with ABAP CDS development in the last years and recently I received a query about associations. People sometimes struggle to understand the value of associations in Core Data Services, in simple terms, ...