we don´t want to do a SPL check on name fields 3 and 4 in documents. Therefore, I deleted them from customizing table in "Assignment in Address fields" (see attachment).
Nethertheless, after resetting the customizing buffer,...
Hi experts,
we have the following business requirement: for the manual license assignment process only a reduce number of license types should show up, which means that for the manual license assignment only specific license types should be ava...
Hi experts,
I would like to use the BADI /SAPSLL/ECC_INBOUND to check if we can change inbound Idocs. Does anybody know how to do so? I set a break point in the BADI and executed the Idoc in bd87 and also in we19 but the breakpoint wasn´t found....
Hi All,
has anybody an idea how we can do compliance checks against our production order components (PP) and network activity components (PS). Due to business requirements we are considering to expand our checks against those document types, t...
Hi GTS experts,
I try to transfer the account holder to GTS via Change pointer with message type /sapsll/cremas_sll. I activated the fields in tranx bd52
and bd53
CREMAS06 -> E1LFA1A -> E...
Hi,you can set up a functional modul in GTS, that is collecting the classification data to the relevant materials and call it via RFC in the ERP printing report.Best regards,Carsten
Hi, you can see these fields in table kna1 for customers in ERP. Field name civve.there are populated manually in tranx vd02 in tab export data.Best regards,Carsten
Hi again,that BADI is exactly what I was looking for, thanks Benjamin! I inserted the following coding and now license type NLR99 is not displayed any longer for the manual license assigment. I know hard coded is not the most elegant solution but so ...