Member since ‎2014 Oct 17

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Hi,We have a SAP S/4HANA Finance platform (SAP Simple Finance, on-premise edition 1503 on HANA) and we want to use SAP SCM.Can we install the SAP SCM module on the same system (NW application server and HANA DB) ?ThxErent
Hi,Does someone know the replacement for the job-debugging transaction JDBG ?ThxErent
Hi,I didn't find a direct answer yet on internet, but I was wondering if it's possible to restore a "previous" STMS configuration by "just" restoring .CFG and .PFL file to previous state/date ?Example :Asumption : no transports were created- I change...
Hi,Can someone tell me how SAP HANA will react when there is no more memory available ?Will the database try to free some memory ?Will all the transaction be aborted etc..Thanks in advance !Erent