Member since ‎2018 Sep 05

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  • 79 Posts
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Hello I have installed the AS ABAP 7.52 SP01 Developer Edition (based on ASE 16) to try a tutorial about CDS views and Fiori. In this tutorial, I define a view and I set different annotations: "@AbapCatalog", "@AccessControl.authorizationCheck...
Hello I have triggered the following SQL command : select * from "_SYS_REPO"."ACTIVE_OBJECT" where object_suffix = 'hdbti' and object_status > 0 And I have found some broken permissions.hdbti files (marked wi...
Hello I have a problem when I try to open the SAP HANA Cockpit from SAP HANA Studio. The link defined is : https://server:port/sap/hana/uis/clients/ushell-app/shells/fiori/FioriLaunchpad.html?siteId=sap|hana|admin|cockpit|app|cockpit# The cre...
Hello, I have two SAP HANA SPS 12 systems running in my environment. In the system A, I have the schema SAP_HANA_BACKUP and I can enable the backup function in the SAP HANA Cockpit of this system. The HDB version is 122.18. In the system B, I d...
Hello The goal is to modify the quote creation excel template of the Sales Quote. Step 1 : In SAP Cloud Application Studio, create the extension fields, extend the UI, extend the webservices. Step 2 : Modify the excel template ...
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