Hello Team,Good day!Does anyone experienced data not showing in the portlet even if the right permission was given?This is in particular with Compensation Information, but if you open the history page or View All you can see that there are data.Than...
Hello Team,
Good day!
I am just new with CDP. I would just like to ask where in the instance I can modify the view, fields, and way of navigating in the Add Learning Activity section in CDP?
I just want to modify it. I go to Manage Templates...
Hello team,
Good day!
This has been new to me hence would like to ask how am I going to map these job related entities? Job code to Job Role to Job Family?
I will use this for compensation process.
Many thanks!
Hi jasper.de.groot I see. So there's no way that this can be configured in the instance itself.I'll check then in the backend. Thank you very much!Best Regards,Gelo
Hi xavierlegarrec Thank you for your response. This has been very helpful. But I would like to know if there has been changes on this in terms of configuring? I am not seeing the Manage Job Roles transaction in the system and in permission roles. Ar...