Member since ‎2016 Apr 14

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Hi, Thanks in Advance, I am facing a problem in opening the same sapui5 application in a new tab with different route using sap.m.Link and sap.m.UrlHelper.redirect() with different view and different route? Could you all tell me is any other alte...
Thanks in Advance, error.png I AM USING sap.m.Link control href ="D:/somepdffile.pdf" it is showing the following error Not allowed to load local resource: file:///D:/ysd0.pdf I have attached the image of the error screenshot. Kindly giv...
Hi, Thanks in Advance, I am using SAPUI5 PDFViewer in my application. When I set the source property to the pdf file path, it is working fine. But when I set the base64 pdf value to the source property, the pdf is not visible. Kindly provide a...
HI, I have to make a table control cells editable and as well as responsive. I need help with that?
var sPath="/entitytset?$top=1";,function(oData,response){ alert(oData); \\$top=1 is not working client side page is not working })); $count is working.$select is working. $top=1 is also working if given the url request in brows...
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