Hi,Use BAPI BAPI_PO_CHANGE for update custom field. DATA:extensionin LIKE TABLE OF bapiparex WITH HEADER LINE, l_bapi_te_mepoheader TYPE bapi_te_mepoheader, l_bapi_te_mepoheaderx TYPE bapi_te_mepoheaderx, return LIKE TABLE OF bapi...
HiIn SPRO->Plant Maintenance and Customer Service->Maintenance and Service Processing->Notification Creation->Notification Types->Set Field Selection for NotificationsOR TCODE SHDO transcation and screen variantBest regards,Jimmy
Hi,You should use batch processing as below:1. Get all related SO (r_vbeln) into interal table IT_VBPA that can read table only one time.SELECT VBELN PARVW KUNNR FROM VBPA into TABLE IT_VBPA WHERE VBELN in r_vblen and PARVW in ('AG', ...