Hello All,I am trying to construct a range table while fetching the data from database as below using default values for some fields:TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_ranges,
sign TYPE ddsign,
option TYPE ddoption,
low TYPE string,
Hello All!I have developed a custom Transactional Fiori application and this is my landscape - - SAP ERP for business data- SAP Netweaver Gateway to expose the data using OData services- SAP HANA Cloud Platform where Fiori application is deployedI wa...
This is a beginner's guide to trouble shoot this error!
When testing OData services in Gateway Client, it is common to get the error "Method not allowed" if you are unsure of the URL format to be used for various HTTP methods viz. GET, POST etc.
Hello AllWe are on SAP SRM One Client set up with SRM 7 EHP 3.We are facing the below issue whenever we try to replicate new material groups into SRM:When we run MDS_LOAD_COCKPIT for "MATGROUP" to "Product Category" replication, system seem to think ...
Hi horst.keller
This post immensely helped me in understanding basic concepts with CDS and ABAP SQL hierarchies. Thank you for this great post.
Even after almost two years since this post, it is still not possible to create CDS test doubles for CD...
Hello Andre
Thank you for the post. Very interesting.
I tried Unmanaged Draft with Semantic Keys scenario with Late Numbering. This works as well. Tried this in BTP Trial today. More details here in this comment on another post on this topic....
Hi SrivijayaSAP_BR_ADMINISTRATOR_RCP_DEV - this role helped me. It gave access to below apps:Manages ClassesManage Class HierarchiesManage Class AssignmentsThank you,Dhananjay
Hi Sadiq,Please check if this helps: lt_success = VALUE #( FOR ls_succ IN output-ev_success-item ( status = ls_succ-status ) ). In your code, inner ( ) is empty. Thank you, Dhananjay