I'm looking for the way to put the dialog to a specific position.When I open the dialog, it always appears at center of browser.I want to place it to anywhere.There are setWidth and setHeight., but there is no method or property in sap.ui.commons.Dia...
I tried append chart(sap.viz) to dialog(ui.commons.dialog).First time, I coded like this oDialog.appendContent(oChart).But, It shows a dialog without chart.Second time, I coded like this oChart.placeAt(oDialog).It was same as first thing.I think th...
Is there a way to display a source code without a Test/Execute button?I want to just 'show' the source code to unauthorized people.FM 'EDITOR_PROGRAM' can execute a report.ABAP keyword 'EDITOR-CALL FOR LT_SOURCE DISPLAY-MODE.' only display source co...
If you want to convert string to currency,not a number, you have to assign a currency key and use another type.Here is a code.Dwamt is a value, and Waers is a currency key.value="{parts:[{path:'Dwamt'}, {path: 'Waers'}], type: 'sap.ui.model.type.Curr...
There is no way to pass a data to another view with routing without modifying a pattern, I think.Check below linkhttps://sapui5.hana.ondemand.com/sdk/index.html#docs/guide/2366345a94f64ec1a80f9d9ce50a59ef.html