Hi caozhenliang.You can download the necessary software from this linkhttp://www.informatica2005.it/Documenti/SAP_Excel_xml/z_ut_crea_excel_xml.zipRegardsPaolo
Hi Aamir.
Yes, I have overwritten the link with the new version.
This works for me.
Since my server is AIX the transfer to local PC I do it in binary mode.
REPORT zpsartor_prova_xml.
* Preparazione email
DATA: it_excel TYPE ztt_excel_data,
Hi Aamir.
I thank you for using my utility.
I invite you to take the version I just posted, it is the same with a few less bugs.
To download the output to a local PC file you can do this
Hi Reddy.I create my attachments with the extension .xmlIn the file type association, the .xml program is associated with Microsoft Excel as with .xlsx.I'm afraid I have not responded to you earlier, but I'm not getting alerts on questions