Member since ‎2011 Aug 09

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  • 208 Posts
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Hello Colleagues,      I am working with the application in nwbc inbox to approve workitems. I am not sure if this application is the powl or uwl.(The same on portal is a UWL application though). I lead select a workitem and perform an action and a n...
Hello All,     I have a scenario where i see wrong iviews are present under BO folder and operation in EP. Currently i have the following .     1. A BO(RFX) under BO folder.     2. Change is the operation.      I see lot of iviews of display(For Chan...
Hello Colleagues,     I am currently facing an issue where on clicking a button from POWL in SRM results in a call to a wrong application. I started this by debugging the method IF_WD_PORTAL_INTEGRATION~NAVIGATE_TO_OBJECT and provided me details of t...
Hi All,     I just stumbled upon the table HRV5500A which itself is a join table of HRP5500 and HRT5500. I found the following fields in thesePlan VersionObject typeObject IdSub typeCould someone explain these fields and their significance (would be ...
Hi All,     There are 2 ways to send a PR to Sourcing Cockpit.     1. I create a PR with a product category (sourcing is enabled for this in SRM) and transfer it to SRM through the report BBP_EXTREQ_TRANSFER and PR is visible in Sourcing Cockpit.    ...