Introduction :
In some cases Especially in pharmaceutical industry customer required to insert Product samples quantity in FG plan but not reflect in the main Semi-finished product (Bulk Material ) because it’s already created in batches fixed /ro...
Introduction :
Configurable materials is used to define products that have different variants
The usage of configurable materials Show clearly in some industries like Textile, carton. By using Configurable material you will have one material code w...
i maintained the LSWM program for the production version uploading on TCODE C223 . you will find it and the uploading sheet in the attached filesyou will find the lSMW program that could be uploaded to the system and testing file add to excel and ma...
Hi vigneshveerasamy,
regarding your inquire . sales team doesn't have this kind of knowledge . so we can fill QM requirements from other characteristics like length in the example without interaction from sales team . you can also us variant ...