Member since ‎2014 Sep 23

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  • 60 Posts
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Hi, We extend the supplier invoice approval Fiori app few years ago. It has been working fine in Production. We are going through support pack upgrade now, During testing, we found that the attachment are not opening. When clicking the attac...
We are working on activating the standard Fiori app Network Activity Overview (F1970). After following all the steps to active the app. I am getting no data in the app. I don’t see any errors in the front end. I see an error in the odata call. OD...
My fiori launchpad looks like below, I don't see any tiles. Can you point me to the right place to do my research? Other users in my team, it works fine, they see the right tiles. I am the only one having this issue. Please help.
I did not find any functional modules aand BAPI's that will help.Can I code to add and delete records from table IMEP directly?Thanks,Gopi.
When I was looking at SMP logs, I came across this is 0 for applicationid: XXX...