Member since ‎2015 May 14

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  • 35 Posts
  • 2 Solutions
  • 4 Kudos given
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Hi all, We all know, that SAP’s strategy is cloud-first. Logically more and more services and solutions are offered there. At the same time, the reality for a lot of companies is that they have many of their systems and processes still in the on-pre...
Hi all, "The shoemaker's children always go barefoot"  This is somehting that can discribe our SAP IdM authorization structure/concept ...there is no such. It's a rare case, when we have to implement one and there is no standard connector or appro...
Hi all, This blog is related to a recent issues with the popular Java logging library log4j version 2 (open source component for logging and tracing of application events) -- only touching on the topic related to SAP IdM and the components that migh...
Hi all, This blog is related to the options we have with SAP IdM Attestation functionality, coming from the standard IdM processes and implemented with the additional customizations. 1st we have to decide between the Attestation options we have in ...
Hi guys,   ...ready for EU GDPR? Here is one custom solution maintaining the inactive users personal data and auditing your system. Audit your entire SAP environment Audit your entire SAP environment to identify where all the personal data ...