I am trying to trace back a heavy query on a SAP HANA database.I am able to identify the query basis on content in: m_sql_plan_cache From there I take the "statement_hash" and get the details via the sql query provided in note: 1969700However i...
We are struggling to get the SLT replication to retain the previous data which was loaded.Skipping the record works but then we do not know it is deleted.Manipulating the delete operation into an update is making all values apart from the prima...
Hi,We are trying to step over from a webservice which loops the data into a HANA table via single POST statements into a batch mode POST request.We try to find out the formatting of the header&body message but we are only able to get a response of 20...
We are setting up a real-time replication to replicate 21 oracle tables (approx 650GB) into Hana by using the HANA SDI setup. DP agent is installed on a separate box.
The initial loads went pretty ok, not very fast but approx 7000 ...
Thanks Denys!I was able to get the Binding Values end blend them in my sql based on the input mentioned in: SQL: "HANA_SQL_ExpensiveStatements_BindValues_CommaList"
Hi Stefan,
First of all, very usefull blog!
We are working on a similar setup, over 20 tables to be replicated in real time. We have completed the initial load.
If I check the Data Provisioning Design Time Monitor (sap/hana/im/dp/monitor/index.htm...