Member since ‎2016 May 11

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Hello Everyone, Using WBS Element Overview (F1974) application from Project reporting. Requirement is to Disable the Refining Region field & enable the Region field in the only XYZ Variant. did the following steps: Disabled the Refining Regio...
Hi Guys, i have a requirement : Customer is going to upload the excel through fiori app. at frontend i'm converting that files data into ibject and send it to SAP backend. now when user filterd data and post it to fiori i'm struggling here to fin...
Hi,My requirement is,i used "numeric content" control in my application. which version is "1.34.7".and my server version is "1.28.0".so i'm not able to used this control on server.i have to make it as version specific or dynamic version.How can i ach...
Hi,I am going to sort table column using Sorter, it is not work correctly.My code:var aSorters=[];  var tabid=this.getView().byId("tabid");  var sKey=evt.getParameter("sortItem").getKey(); //Postingkey  var sOrder=evt.getParameter("sortDescending"); ...
Hi,I'm trying to bind sap.ui.table.but table is not rendering.Kindly check below code: var Model=new sap.ui.model.json.JSONModel();  //Model.loadData("model/first.json", null, false, 'GET', false, false, null);  var tab=this.getView().byId("tabid"); ...
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