I developed useful functionality for SPRO
I detected that is common the necessity of copy IMG path when you navigated of SPRO Tree Customizing .
With the following code you can copy the path very easy
The change is only apply in Developer ...
Hi, everbody!!!I have a doubts regarding the style in Smartforms. I have two text in my Smartforms, but when I'm editing un text object, I can't see to my Style.This Object text works fineAnother text in the same smartforms I can't see my style. Inst...
Hi all,I am trying to create a SAPUI5 Project , consume the service OData and display the data in a table. I'm using test service http://services.odata.org/OData/OData.svcbut when I execute the index.html, always are showing "NO DATA"My case:Step by ...
Hi all,I am testing "The Flight Demo" according the blog of Jitendra Kansal I have a problem when I test the service;v=2/CarrierCollection('AB')I completed the following steps1) Test "ES1 Connect...
Hi all,I installed SMP 3.0 (version 3.03 SP3) server and MBO Tool kit in the same computerWhen I try of the connected the Ecplise (Mobile perpective)with server SMP 3.0 . I can not get connection successfulI tried with different way:Desactivated the...
The following code is an example of inbound delivery modification on Item Level***
*1- Create delivery provider and message
CREATE OBJECT lo_message_box.
io_message_box = lo_message_box