Hi,I have a transport of copies request with all types of object types objects in it.I want to include each object type objects in 1 request.e.g. Domains in 1 requests, data elements in another requests.With ST03, i found that we can include objects ...
Hi,Is there ay way to get the attributes of objects like creation date, created by from a single table or FM.By Objects, i mean all object types, Class, Tables, Programs etc.just like TADIR, but TADIR doesnt store creation date.RegardsMegha
Hi,We have to transport objects to a new system. I had a query regarding this. Will transporting packages will be a better option or transporting based on object types e.g. Domains followed by data elements will be a better option ?Transporting packa...
Hi,I am new but have an idea about ABAP objects. My requirement is as follows- I have to create a cutsom splitscreen editor. On left side, there would be a program which should be editable(just like SE39) whereas on right side, I will have my commen...
Hi,I want to create Variants for Module Pool.So I added save option to the toolbar.But it is not functioning properly. Sometimes it grays the variant name.Also we have to click twice.So i created transaction for the MP.But still it is working the sam...
I have a service with single GET but with 'use Batch' True in Manifest I get error 'No data found' while it works with value False. Any idea why? Or should we have to set this field False for simple reads.
Thanks for all your replies.Let me clear the scenario.We have objects unicoded in 1 system. We want to check in higer version. So we will have to transport all objects of the system to the new system.We thought that there are just 20 packages. So tra...
I have all objects type Domains , Reports,FMs, tables, etc.say complete system.And I want to transport all objects of the packagesRegardsMeghaEdited by: Eclectic on Oct 31, 2008 5:48 PM