Member since ‎2009 May 14

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Hi All, I've a custom client proxy (consumer proxy) which SAP send information to CPI. It's working fine in Dev system, but when I transported it to Quality system I'm getting the following error when testing it directly in the SE80: SOAP:1.010...
Hi All, Do you know if there’s any configuration or standard workflow for TBB1 posting? I know the standard WF that belongs to FTR_EDIT, but I need an approval process before the posting and after the settlement. Or do I need to implement a Bad...
Hi All, When posting an invoice to PO via idoc (basic type INVOIC01) I'm getting the following error message: External system returned different number of items: Input <> Output Message no. FS888 I found this 2 posts, but none of them were ...
Hi All,I'm trying to fill the Cost Center Medium Text (TXTMI) automatically based on the short text entered.I'm using method IF_EX_USMD_RULE_SERVICE2~DERIVE for entity CCTR.I noticed that method io_write_data->write_data will change the medium text O...
Hi All,Right now in my system, whenever a substitute is set up for a specific user, notifications and work items are being sent to both primary user and substitute. But our client doesn't want notifications and work items to primary user when there i...