Member since ‎2013 Sep 23

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HI, I have material creation interface between ECC to DBM. while monitor SXMB_MONI i have some of interface had LOG VERSION . Now, i need clarity about 1. how to reprocess that same 2. why this log version created Thanks,Ramkumar K
HI ,  I Got the Data from this table EUFUNC . but CLUSTD  have the cluster data .How i get original data with value .   by using this FM         RS_TESTDATA_GET                    getting relavent data for perticular FM.. But i need convertion of clu...
Hi,  Am using bapi    'BAPI_MATERIAL_SAVEDATA'.   here without matnr given mean it's coming error..   if any possibility is there without given matnr no will generate  matnr automatically  ..
Hi ,   I need to add some button in se38 application toolbar.     how to enhance that  pls teach me or giva some idea ...   i try to enhance  LS38EI01 some error message was came.. like (you can't enhance seef_base package)   pls give some idea how t...
Hi,     i added that field succesfully but i don't know how to fetch that value form database to screen.    Any Idea pls share  it..ThanksRam.
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