Member since ‎2014 Feb 20

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  • 15 Posts
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Hi, Please find the requirement as below. After creation of shopping cart in SRM, one workflow to be triggered. This workflow will create two workitems for approval to be sent to two departments (say A and B) for parallel approval. Department A h...
Normal Business Scenario: In an ERP Model, Production Planner need to keep a tab on the amount of material available as and when required for smooth functioning of the production cycle. SAP provides MRP run to assist Production Planner with determina...
Hi All, We have an urgent production issue, where during MRP Live execution we must exclude the in transit delivered stock. Currently, all the in-transit stocks are considered in the available stocks in a plant. The requirement is to calculate th...
Hi SAP Gurus,In my project there is a requirement where we have to convert existing custom Adobe forms into Smartforms. I have searched in the SCN forum and found a thread but it didnt fulfill my requirement. I have ...