Member since ‎2013 May 30

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EDI ANSIX12 InboundThis is an inbound scenario where data flow is as follows. Let’s take EDI 850(Orders) in our example.External Partner--------EDI 850 File-----(1)---->PI-------------IDOC--------(2)------>ECCExternal Partner<--------997 Ack------(3)...
Netweaver BPMHow different it is from CCBPMUnlike traditional CCBPM, NWBPM is not a part of PI anymore. But it is now a separate module of Netweaver. And that is why we call it Netweaver BPM. We can develop a CCBPM from Integration repository. But co...
Hi,I am looking for beginners help on Trading partner Management configuration for B2B scenarios. I have gone through following blog and got a theoritical overview about it.
Hello,We are implementing a NWBPM scenario in PO.PO------->NWBPM--------->DBFrom NWBPM we have to send a synchronous message to Database through an automated action where database have to give a response message back. But once BPM is triggered, we ar...
Hi All,I am working on NWDS 7.31 version. When I try to add a boundary event for automated activity, it is giving empty list.I have tried doing "Resync DCs". But it didnt fix the issue. Can someone help.Thanks,Avinash.