I am using SAP UI5 with simple VBox having 10 inputs when i keep the focus on the input fields which are at the bottom of screen the screen enables scroll and keep the focus on input as expected. Img1
Focus set on Input 7:
Hello Experts,
I am creating UI with sap.m.Table, sap.m.Bar as Template and each Table has more than 2000 - 10000 records.
So while am binding with Table, Bar, and other controls as Template for Aggreagation of Scroll container to bind and disp...
Hello, I have a issue with refreshing the page which is loaded using SAPUI5 router. For example : below is the URI which am accessing. Host:Port//sap/bc/ui5_ui5/sap/zDemo/index.html?sap-ui-language=EN#/Test1?SrNum=0001Here in the above case if i chan...
Hello, I have a requirement to display a tree table using oData annotations. We have a Odata service, Which is created from BEx Query. If i bind the Tree table with OData annotations then it is by default adding the $filter with root node ( sap:hier...
I have a requirement that creation of flowchart using sap UI5 dynamically.Including rectangles and rhombus diagrams also needs to be created dynamicallyCan you please suggest me on this.
Hello Facundo,
I am getting below error while executing the ui5-translator. Even i tried the same by changing it to npm update -g @facuferrer86/ui5-translator. Could you please check the issue. Thank you.
user: testapp $ ui5-translator spanish,germ...
Hello, Use Button with BadgeCustomData. with button icon as bell & BadgeCustomDataas number of notifications. https://sapui5.hana.ondemand.com/#/entity/sap.m.Button/sample/sap.m.sample.ButtonWithBadge/codeThanks, Bhaskar Kuntla.
Hi Umapathi, Please try by copying the saplogon.ini file from server to local system in below path. C:\Users\XUSER\AppData\Roaming\SAP\CommonAnd restart the eclipse, Then the SAP Systems will be displayed. Thank you.Best Regards, Bhaskar Kuntla.
Actually, i can navigate to that page multiple times so I can't directly write a global variable check since if I navigate to that page second time it will reload the application again.
But I want to reload only in case of when user press Enter in...
Hi Vaibhav, in which event we can reload the page. if i add in any one of the hook method then whenever we are navigating to this view it will refresh the page , and then again hook methods will trigger and application will refresh. This is like infi...