Hi Olga!
Where I could find the documentation about which Pseudo Comments are supported by Quick Fix?
During the upgrade I've been doing the only pseudo comment suppported that I could see is "EC CI_NOORDER and it is a priority 3 information in ATC...
Thanks Olga.
So if I remove some package or object from Scope it will not be considered in the Readiness Check?
I ask it because we can have an scenario where the Custom Code App considers objects that are related to products (e.g /SOMEPRODUCT_PACK...
Hello Olga,
Thanks for the tips. I'm now following the mission below in SAP Discovery Center, it covers all the flow about the Custom Code App and ow to analyze it.
But I still have one question. If I remove manually an object or package from scope...
Hello Olga,
In Readiness Check we have the information about the number of objects that can be fixed with Quick Fix.
How can I extract it and list all those objects?
Olá Aleshane,
Tenho um cenário que preciso enviar o XML da NFe para um sistema legado toda vez que a NFe é autorizada.
Qual BAdI seria a mais indicada para essa tarefa?