Navigating to MDG CRs can be cumbersome at times. If users are on the Go and the CRs are awaiting their action, a direct CR link would help users. Although we can setup extended notifications will a link in the emails to navigate to NWBC Home Page(ha...
SAP Master Data Governance being used manage all master data objects for an Enterprise, it enables the enterprise to effectively manage their master data via governance and involving appropriate stake holders to validate and enrich the data when need...
This blog post would help you save time and effort and not reinvent the wheel. We have penned down general areas where all SAP-MDG projects struggle with Ariba Integration. If we observe more scenarios will create a version 2.
Below are th...
Hello All,
I am unable to get through to below requirement.
There a bunch of User Status on my Work Order, and if any of those are set I want to stop PR update from WO, even if at operation level it is set to Immediately.
Any Exit/Enhancemen...
I have a standard CDS View where Client Handling Annotation is set to below:
Now, when I am performing a select query on the SQL View name ...
Looks like browser user session is creating issue, try to use the link a session where you have this ID logged in.
Also, check the user for session in browser this link opened into.
Nice point Asim.
Yes, CR description change, is a very common ask, and unfortunately not possible with any enhancement within the classes SAP has written,, however if we're using Rule Based workflow may be service BADI can be used to change CR da...
Hello Paul,
I totally agree with you, however requirement is as below:
if a user status "REAV" in review is set then until that is removed, we should not update PR, this sounds a bit logical from business standpoint. Now I want to know if we have...
Thanks for the reply, then my requirement can't be handled in HANA engines via code pushdown, I ahev to write ABAP code to achive it!
Or there is a resolution to this, keeping the thread open for more answers if it may come!