Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
Member since ‎2014 Jan 29

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  • 686 Posts
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Requirement: During internal transfer posting of a Full HU (/SCWM/ADHU) or a Product transfer( /SCWM/ADPROD) using Fiori or RF transaction, there shall be a capability of stopping HU/Product movement based on certain condition. Business Conditions:Do...
Requirement:During internal transfer posting of a Full HU (/SCWM/ADHU) or a Product transfer( /SCWM/ADPROD) using Fiori or RF transaction, there shall be a capability of switching the destination stock type from its source one. If source HU has stock...
Requirement: System should not generate EWM Quality inspection lot when Vendor is sending same Supplier /SAP batch. If the supplier or SAP batch has ever been inspected, EWM should skip generating inspection lot and post GR into unrestricted stock ty...
Objective:To understand how RF Physical inventory counting is performed at HU level against a serialized product. The serial number requirement is activated at Warehouse level( B) for the product.To understand how completion indicator is auto updated...
New functionality:From 1909, SAP has delivered a remarkable feature which allows early S/4 stock check during consumption or consumption reversal posting from EWM related to PMR documents. This early stock simulation for PMR document posting helps in...