Hi All,
We have an API for file upload with HTTP multipart where the file is sent in the request body.
API Management has a limit for HTTP request sizes. I guess a file sent in non-chunked manner will be falling under the limit of 10 MB.
Hi All,
We want to have a Fiori App in S4 which should be able to communicate with Non OData Service in S4 backend.
We would register an ICF service with a Rest HTTP service. But this will be not an OData Service.
Technically this should be pos...
Hi All,
Our flow is stateful and is invoked by a regular function module.
ABAP program -> FM -> Our ABAP classes -> ABAP HTTP Client -> External HTTP Server . Our ABAP class is invoked in a singleton way so in a stateful session the same ABAP cl...
Hi All,
I have learnt that next generation ASE will be part of HANA Cloud as mentioned here https://blogs.sap.com/2021/04/07/step-by-step-provision-an-sap-hana-cloud-ase-database/#
Is there any NoSQL features in HANA Cloud ASE like Doc Store in H...
Hi All,
I am looking to make a ABAP class "A" singleton in ABAP.
I can not just rely on the usual singleton pattern implementation in ABAP memory because each HTTP requests incoming to ABAP have a new session. So the singleton with plain memory w...
Are you using cmis js library ? If direct rest call. Then i suggest to try the same through a HTTP client like postman to understand the payload and then reflect the same in your code.
Hi Tom,Since Neo Document Service offers CMIS APIs it can be easily connected from CPI.To enable HTTP access for these CMIS APIs you need to deploy a simple CMIS Proxy in BTP account.https://help.sap.com/docs/DOCUMENT_SERVICE/b0cc1109d03c4dc299c21587...