I have to assign field dynamically here { lv_fieldname },
lo_type_descriptor ?= cl_abap_datadescr=>describe_by_data( <f2> )."<f2> - ls_clientdata type bapi_mara
DATA(lv_fieldname) = lo_type_descriptor->get_relative_name( ). ...
I am updating the node instance by retrieving the data from the UI.
DATA lt_item_data TYPE zci_t_item.
DATA lr_item_data TYPE REF TO zci_s_item.
* For the customer invoice retrieve its ITEM nodes
I got an error during consuming data at gateway client "Error log "Property 'begda' has invalid value '00000000'"".
I am exposing data from CDS view to odata service using "import->reference->data definition".
begda (last changed date) - da...
Dear friends,
how to declare the below code globally in se24?
class cl_observable definition.
public section.
interfaces: lif_observable.
aliases: register for lif_observable~register,
unregister for lif_observable~unregister.
This my first Blog with reference to https://wiki.scn.sap.com/wiki/display/ABAP/SAPlink , we will understand the usage, installation steps and how to use SAPlink.
Usage of SAPlink:
Used to copy program from one system to another sy...
Hi, Just now I came across this post which I have the same issue,I used Function module CJDW_PROJ_SELECT_SINGLE and passed 'X' to MEMORY_ONLY, Data will be retrieved from the memory of the transaction.Thank you,Sudarshan D
Hi jun wu,What data should I pass to the parameter, it_changed_fields type /BOBF/T_FRW_NAME which is string data element.Would you share any code work around here.Thank you in advance
Hi,I've got the solution to avoid the error,If data in table contain null value or ' ' we have to change the value to '00000000' in consumption CDS as belowcase
when aedtm is null then '00000000'
when aedtm = '' then '00000000' else ...