Member since ‎2014 Oct 17

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  • 313 Posts
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Hi Community, we would like to use sapui5 applications embedded in iframes. For that, we would like to use SAPs securing concepts for frames. Our problem is, that the whitelistservice is called with an empty parentOrigin, so the service doesn't a...
Hi,would be nice, if someone could help me on this I know how to create a ValueHelp for an entity with one key, by using sap annotations and smart-fields.Example Odata Structure:Entity: LineItems- GUID- KEY_TYPE => Entity: LineType- KEY_KIND => Enti...
Hi,does anyone know how to logon with social credentials to an AS ABAP?To connect with a sap user.Scenario:Customer want to link his sap account (or create a new sap account) with his social account (Facebook, Google).To get access to different OData...
Hi all,for developing UI5 apps I'm searching a good web automation tool, like iMacro or Selenium as a extension of firefox / chrome.I've tested a lot known tools, but there wasn't any which worked as expected on sapui5 framework.Do you know any worki...
Hi community,is it possible to load views from other components into my component?Without copying it, just by referencing?Thanks for any hint.kind regards,Kai