A chemistry meeting, typically a complimentary session lasting 30 to 60 minutes, is designed to evaluate the fit between a coach and a prospective client. This step is crucial for establishing trust and a good working relationship. To find the right ...
1. What is coaching?Think of coaching like forming a professional partnership. It is about sparking deep and creative conversations between you and your coach. It's your vehicle to self-discovery, helping you understand your strengths and pinpoint yo...
This blog aims to provide a detailed explanation of correlation rules.To know more about alert correlation, click here.Features of Correlation Rules:A rule has an ID, name, attribute, time window, status and optionally filters.Rule ID: Rule ID is use...
I have been seeing a black drongo outside my window from April. With its high-pitched calls, it attracted my attention very often. Along with its partner, it was building a nest then. I am not an avid bird watcher, but this one took my fancy and I st...
In the previous blogs you have seen what alerts are, how do you set up alerting in Focused RUN for SAP Solution Manager and processing them.This blog would cover the feature Alert Correlation. You would be able to take away:What is Alert Correlation?...
Hello Jwala Deepa,
The earlier document gives a brief idea on code flow of the BAdI implementation for BADI_ACC_REACTION_EXT that will create one incident per cluster.
To know the alert outbound connector, please refer to this document - Focused...
Hello Jwala Deepa,
Here is the link to the Focused Run Expert Portal - AEM Integration with External Systems.
AEM Integration with External Systems (sap.com)
You will find the relevant information here. - frun-outbound-connector-incident-creation....
Hello Marc,
I just read 3 parts of this blog. You have presented a deep subject in very consumable way. The techniques outlined in the blog are immensely helpful; provided the person in question is able to recognize that they are triggered by a s...