Member since ‎2013 Feb 18

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  • 67 Posts
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Introduction: I received a question from one of my professional colleagues for any possibilities of implementing Validations on FMDERIVER. He asked if we could generate a customized error message if the user enters an invalid combination of Commitme...
Dear Colleagues, When executing KSV5, I am facing an error "FM account assignment -/OPEX/2021102/501033/- cannot be posted in posting ledger 9A". What I came across when tracing Budget Structure (BCS) Derivations from SPRO node Public Sector->FM->M...
Hi Experts, My client's fiscal year ends on 30.06.2018. There are still items for which the PR/PO needs to raised in fiscal year 2018. Here PBET is active. Normally when ever the PR is raised, it takes the FM Posting Date as the syste...
Dear Experts, There is a requirement from one of my clients that they want to have Balance Sheet for their Projects (WBS Elements). In ECC, we had the option of adding a custom field for scenarios in FAGLFLEXT Ledger for the same i.e. ZZPS_PSP_PNR ...
Dear Experts,I am working on the FM Planning Layout in S4 HANA 1610. When I click the create button, I get the below error:capture.pngT-Code: FMPLLII know that in 1610, the table that is being used is "FMBDP" for updating the planning line items and ...