Member since ‎2015 Mar 25

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Fusion Exchange, SAP Concur Summit 2022, was held on 20th October under the theme of digitalization to forge intelligent finance management, and featured a high-profile customer session to share success customer story with SAP Concur Fapiao Capture...
Know Fapiao Capture in a nutshell Fapiao Capture is an add-on solution of SAP Concur, which is embedded in WeChat to help Chinese local customers to process legal receipts for travel expenses. Users can easily capture kinds of legal receipts through ...
I. INTRODUCTION “SAP Concur 发票助手”微信小程序正式发布 近日,SAP Concur对外发布了重磅消息:专门针对中国大陆地区的发票解决方案成功上线。其中包含的微信小程序——“SAP Concur 发票助手”无疑是其中的一大亮点,它确保用户在差旅途中能够随时随地、准确无误地收集发票,保证每一张增值税发票的合法性。另外,小程序提供了与SAP Concur系统的无缝对接,将发票的关键数据推送并生成SAP Concur费用(expense),为企业的审计、退税等管理工作大大...