Hi,my colleague told me this morning that our CIO proclaimed, that we do no Software Development.'We are SAP Customers and only our consultants code. We just manage the applications.''Ok', I thought. And how are we supposed to get things going? Hmm, ...
Humor up your life. My brain was able to store lots of jokes. Somehow most is lost now in the late 40ies. If you have brain like strainer you have to write down. Ok, lets do this... ... asked my daughter to hand me the newspaper. She scolded me being...
Currently 3 Aliens tell quite low jokes on video platforms. Here are a few examples:How do You call a retired Terminator? . EX-TerminatorMy Alphabet only has 25 letters... I don't know (wh)Y.Why can't You hear the Pterodactyl on the toilet? - The P(e...
Hi,in ancient times I wanted to aggregate text files. Had them all in one folder. Scanned the folder to address all files one by one. Looped over them and wrote a destination file in the very same folder(!) while reading.What happened? Of course! As ...
Hi,saw a funny short video:Wizard and Barbarian approach a gate with 2 guards.One guard telling the truth, one guard lying.Wizard: 'I know that one. We have to...'Barbarian pulls out axe and chops down one guard.Wizard: WHATTT?Barbarian grips remaini...
Fun fact about Your Tag You applied to Your Post: Does Anyone remember Unreal Tournament? There was an enthusiastic Arena Announcer/Commenter 'hat-shot', 'double-quill' ... 'mo Mo MO MONSTER-QUILL! QUILL! uill! ill!'. We adapted it later for our work...
When re-vamping something, one shouldn't just make everything new'n'fancy for fanciness' sake. Keeping some of the well proven features doesn't hurt. At least once should one question being asked: 'What was good in the old/last system?'This time I'll...