Member since ‎2008 Apr 28

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Hi,What is the way to disable a sap.m.List? Such that we can't select / deselect items, etc.Thanks Udi
Hi Experts, When the y-axis is zero based, it's hard to notice the differences.I want the y-axis range to be set according to values - e.g. 80 - 96.What is the best way to do it? * I don't know the values beforehand.* the user can change feeds dynami...
Hi Experts,I have a case where I use sap.m.Select, and I want the drop-down to show different lists of values, according to case. Is there an elegant way to go about it?remarks:e.g. like with Formatter, use a fuction to create the list. example use c...
Hi Experts,We have a Control where we are doing some things in the onAfterRendering function.Assume the structure:MyControl - sap.m.Table - sap.m.Input - ...Is it guaranteed that  MyControl.onAfterRendering is always called after onAfterRendering of ...
Hi Experts,I have this sap.ui.layout.form.SimpleForm, that need to be disabled sometimes. In that case the labels are not aligned (vertically) with the text:Here is an example: you have a hint ...
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