Member since ‎2013 May 09

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  • 134 Posts
  • 3 Solutions
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Hi Team, We refreshed our sandbox hana database with Dev HANA db. After that, when we performed upgrade to HANA 2.0 SP05 Rev56, db upgrade completed successfully, but we are facing issue in XSA component upgrade. While checking XSA command also, ...
Hi Experts, We can start tenant DB from SQL command, Studio and cockpit. Is there any other way, we can start tenant db from OS level. Like we use to start single container. I searched SAP snotes, administration guide, but did not find the a...
Hi, We have installed BOBJ system on RHEL and there are 3 servers. We have defined repository server as mount point and maintained the path in inputfilerepository and outputfilerepository in all the 3 servers. Then reports are moved from Dev to QA ...
Hi Team,We are having requirement for configure SNC enabled secure connection between solman(7.1) to manage systems(SAP ABAP, NW 7.5).I tried to find the document, but no luck. Please help me to getting the steps for the configuration.Regards,Shyam K...
Hi,I am currently trying to register my netweaver abap system based on 7.5 to SLD.In RZ70, i am getting below informtion, when trying to register into SLD.SLD DS Start Program 1: MG1AS01_MG1_01: No data collectors exist 0: MG1AS01_MG1_01: ...
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