I can see there are 9 different Spanish languages in the Chrome language setting page, you must chose the correct "Spanish" which is matched with the i18n properties file name in your metadata project.let say if you have i18n_es_ES.properties in the ...
Hi,You have to enable IoT in WebIDE first.from menu Tools->Preferences->Hybrid Application Toolkitthen check "Enable SAP Cloud Platform Internet of Things"Regards,YaoSheng
regarding the iotmms destination and nea-app.json, if you have "http" in the destionation then you don't need "entryPath": "/http" in your neo-app.json. Otherwise, if you have "entryPath": "/http" in neo-app.json then you don't need "http" in your io...
first of all, you don't need to change anything in code.but you have to make sure you use the correct target URLs to configure iotmms and iotrdms destinations in HCP cockpit.I think your 2 URLs are too short which are incorrect.the target URL for iot...
then seems like it is a bug of "inject IOT library"could you try replacing these 2 URLs with the correct service url which configured in your destination?Regards,YaoSheng