Member since ‎2012 Dec 03

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Hi Folks,I am using FM :REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY for ALV display and want to capture the user selection of multiple line.Reading various forums i understood that METHOD grid1->get_selected_rows works only for OO ALV and also i don't want to use the Che...
Hi Folks,I need a help with a Pop up to capture about 10 variable from USER i.e. after the selection screen,a resultant ALV is displayed and then user selects some line of ALV and on a click of a button in Toolbar (USER COMMAND) a pop up if shown to ...
Hi folks, As suggested on many questions i have declared a field "SEL" in the final Table of ALV,made it a check Box,Passed the value in wa_layout-box_field name and handled it in 'USER_COMMAND' but the problem is that SEL is always initial. After ha...
Hello Folks,I have a requirement to enhance a Transaction IW32.IW32 already have an Enhancement tab and there is a screen area attached to it "SAPLXWOC 0900"...Now based on a condition i need to show an ALV inside the area of the enhancement tab.Plea...
Hey Folks,I am making a BDC call for Transaction IW31,but facing difficulty in table control,I am using index and after a certain lines i get an error  message that the field doesn't exist.I have tried using "=P+" command but a flow control error is ...