In this blog we will give you a short overview about our new EHR (electronic health record) “TBase” on which we have been working for almost a year.
Here are the reasons, why we decided to use SAPUI5
The goal of this project
We have developed...
Setting the "authenticationMethod" from "xsuaa" to "none" (xs-app.json) is the only working solution for the moment. (Its a XSA system behind a firewall.)Issue:Request URL: http://localhost:5000/login/callback?code=JjFpBpB37D
Request Method: GET
Hello Abhijith,have you found a solution?I have the same problem. Thought that"NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED": 0 and "strictSSL": false should do the trick. But unfortunately not for me.Any idea?Best Regards, Dirk
In the end I could follow all your steps! As I said already, I really appreciate it. It helped me a lot to get a better picture of the whole different puzzle pieces! Thank you so much!
Hi Raj,
thanks for your help. I removed more times the namespace and created it again. After that I used a new different namespace and adjusted the yaml file, but the issue did still exist. I didn't get it solved.
So I switched to the CLI and it wo...
Hi Raj, I really appreciate your work!There is a problem, so far I try to upload the yaml file. Do you have any idea what the reason could be?Error: Could not deploy resources Error: GraphQL error "Resource already exists"Thanks a lot!