Member since ‎2007 Aug 20

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  In almost all project there is a requirement on which some program which scheduled in background will send mail to business user on periodic basis (i.e. daily, weekly etc.). This mail can serve different purpose as per the requirement for example l...
Dynamic Node in Web Dynpro ALV  Dynamic programming is very helpful to provide solution for some critical business requirement in SAP GUI and this legacy is carried forward to thedynpro era also. Here I worked on a requirement on which output table c...
Get Unique combination and then compute permutationIn some scenario we need to compute all possible combinations of a key field of a table to retrieve correct data from custom table, because user can maintain record in any sequence, and these key dat...
Subset Sum Problem Statement An instance of the Subset Sum problem is a pair (S, t), where S = {x1, x2,..., xn} is a set ofPositive integers and t (the target) is a positive integer. The decision problem asks for a subset of S whose sum is as large a...
Hi, Recently i have created a cost element and it have validity period from 01.04.2008 to 31.12.9999. In this cost element some actual data from tcode f-02 has been posted now i want to delete this cost element but when i am doing the same by u...