Member since ‎2008 Mar 25

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  • 23 Posts
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The current ASE license provided on the following download page is going to expire on March 31st, 2022. Is there any extension planned for this ASE license? If so, where can it be f...
When editing existing method implementations either in Source Code-Based ABAP in SE80 or in Eclipse, we loose description information as shown in picture below. There is no description mentioned In pure source code.Is there a way how to set or at lea...
To be able to debug external application, which uses RFC functions, you  have to use external degugging. Sometime, this external breakpoint does  not work. If so, firstly start RSRTRACE transaction, and now the breakpoint will work. QD uses class CL_...
Function module to get table size in DB6.  DATA lt_db6 TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF db6pmdb02.  FIELD-SYMBOLS:      <ls_db6> LIKE LINE OF lt_db6.   CALL FUNCTION 'DB6_HIS_OVERVIEW'*   EXPORTING*     CONNECTION                  =    TABLES      it_db6pmdb02...
There might be a problem when you need to debug such a program, because you never know, when your code will be called.Here is the simple trick:    DATA: lv_counter TYPE i.*   Call neverending loop in your code    WHILE lv_counter = 0.          "this ...