Is there a dependency to migrate from SAP BTP Neo environment to the SAP Cloud Identity Services first, in order to establish SAC environments and authentication? Currently, i.e. IPS services are running on BTP Neo for SF SSO.
Hi Team,
My S-id will be deleted, in the next 30 days,
I have a few questions.
1. it will delete my complete profile?
2. it will also delete the SCN login or i can still log in using universal ID?
Saurabh S.
Hi Team,
I want to capture the data access language in the SAP SAC application designer.
Based on the language I need to write a code in Application designer.
Saurabh S.
Can we create a model in SAP SAC embedded system?I can see a predefined dataset already present in the SAC tenant.
Can we modify the existing dataset in an embedded system? Can we create an analytics application in the sap sac embedded ...
Hi Friends,
Writing the blog because lot of question is ask on the chart and there feeds.
So the below table will be use full to the identify the feed for different chart so we can easily use in the application designer
Below table represent al...
HI, How many member ID you have in the Org-unit dimension,This error indicates that you have more member ID and it is unable to load the data.Thanks,Saurabh
Hi, Can you please do the file validation,1. like date column should have proper date format in all the row, no string etc should be present in the data.2. Check measure also have proper data in the column. Thanks,Saurabh
Hi, You can use grandtotal function and try to get 75% and 25% in the value, While displaying display functional area in column and in row material X and month it will show you 75% VS 25%Thanks,Saurabh
Hi,please use below 2 code to add dimension, note you have to specify the position also.Table_1.addDimensionToColumns()Table_1.addDimensionToRows()Thanks,Sauabh S.