Send Email with oauth 2.0 from MII. Did anyone configure this for Azure? Basic authentication is deprecated from Oct 1st 2022.
Appreciate your inputs.
I have a combobox defined in oTable >> sap.m.table and bind as below
oTable.bindItems("/Rowsets/Rowset/0/Row/", new sap.m.ColumnListItem({ cells : [ new sap.m.Text({ text : "{Char}"}), new sap.m.HBox({ items:[ new sap.m.ComboBox({ visible: {path:'S...
Hello !Can we create a PCo Notification if the last 2 or 3 values of the tag are same?Scenario:Need to create a notification, if the tag values stays the same for the last couple of readings.
Any ideas on how to plot points with each of them having different subgroup?Example:Point 1 : 10, 9, 10 (9)Point 2 : 10, 7, 10, 8, 10 (9)Display template has a fixed subgroup, I can assign either 3 or 5. Any alternative...
Interesting .. Maybe its a bug in 12.1.8 (20)I have used it in 12.0.. dont remember the versions and also on at least 2 versions of 12.1 not above 7.ThanksAjay
Hi Chris .. Thanks for testing it though .. I have used it in 12.0 versions and 12.1 versions as well .. which version of MII did u test. I have tested it just now on 12.1.7 (50).If you enter 12 .. It returns falseIf you enter 12a .. it returns truew...