Hi Rohit,You can refer the below document https://help.sap.com/doc/785ead430a1a41eeb643fa6c0bb1b381/10.1.16/en-US/Automated_Monitoring_Overview.pdfRegards,Rajeshwari
Hello Masood,Check in LPD_CUST , if the same is been defined under 'Risk Structure' . If not, you can define one referring to the standard entry provided by SAPRegards,Rajeshwari
Hello Plaban,You can refer to below wiki, it has all the relevant information on GRC Process control Policy managementhttps://wiki.scn.sap.com/wiki/display/GRC/PoliciesRegards,Rajeshwari
Hello Suresh,You need setup the Custom Agent Determination through SPRO setting 'Maintain Custom Agent Determination Rules' for Business Events ' 0PC_PERF_DISCSVY' & '0PC_REVIEW_DISCSVY'. The roles defined here needs to be assigned to the relevant us...