A quick step by step guide to setup new feature Idempotent Process Call in Cloud Integration (Cloud Foundry Environment).
The Idempotent Process call can be used to achieve Exactly once scenario on Cloud integration using a unique iden...
Choose to design IFlows to make it easy to maintain and more readable.
With growing complexities of the integration requirements as a developer it becomes imperative to design IFlow's:
Readable: Which provides USERS clear understanding of steps o...
A quick step by step guide to setup for achieving Basic(User) authentication for testing API's created on Cloud Integratin (Cloud Foundry Environment).
There is an excelent guide provided by fatih.pense (
This scenario was a result of a query raised by one of our community colleagues regarding handling paging dynamically, so I thought of putting it into a short blog post.
Business Requirement:
Customer wants to make a generic API design ...
To clear the headers from the outgoing message request.
On many occasions we have a business scenario where, we need to do multiple lookup calls to an external system with some message transformation and then make some external HTTP c...
Hi peter.jirsak,For CIoud Integration there are API's available to access the value mapping.Please refer below link for more details: this helps !thanks and regards,Praveen T
Hi cachico,Yes you could use them for Inbound ( CI to -S4Hana Cloud) scenrios where you would be sharing the client certificate. In reverse scenario you would need S4Hana cloud system to share the client certificate and map it in your cloud integrat...
Hi deep.agrawal,Could you please check discover center for more details: could check based on each pricing model.hope this helps !thanks and regards,Pra...
Hi sivasakthi.dan,What I understand is you are having S4/Hana cloud Private edition, so you might need to check raising a support ticket if you would be able to mount SFTP on the same landscape. But to answer your query there is no adapter currently ...