Hey ThereAfter hearing lots of Questions about “how can we print the data to the next page based on the certain condition?” So here is the answer -> Use Command in the Smartforms. Now question is how we can use the Command so that we can achieve our ...
Hey There, I am explaining the concept of calling multiple forms having each different layout from single form. By creating the different pages (having different layout) in the single form and based on the condition type we can trigger the specific ...
Hey There, The mission named AiE challenge gave me a chance to write how I discover ABAP in Eclipse, so here I am sharing my Experience.About me I started my career as a software developer in Mainframe Technology. So for some year’s I w...
Hey There ,I am writing this blog as part of the DataGeek III: How to Join challenge under the category House of Spirits - caring for the Social Good. It’s said that:“Conserve energy: Think today Or You will be able to think never”So keeping this i...
Hello Ramya , I can suggest 2 options :First Option :if you want to use word wrap , you can reduce the with of the Template / Window. For Example : if you have Template of 2.05 CM & it adopt the text of 20 words in a single row . IF you reduce the wi...
Hello,You can try this : remove complete border of that table and then place it again by using LEFT FRAME , RIGHT FRAME , UPPER FRAME & BOTTOM FRAME , at last use the INNER FRAME.
Hey Zayidu, I think i have given you the RF Cook Book . Since the process of creation of RF screen is long and i cannot explain it here. But if you can check the RF Cook book and start the step by step process you can get it easily. You can let me kn...
Hello , This seems some object is not activated or something else. The second screen looks weird , it should not be like that . Once translation is maintained it will work as it needed , but in second screen i can see it replaced the complete RADIO ...