Now that we have our MTA Application configured for routing between NodeJS and XSJS [link] and followed the steps for creating XSUAA, binding to our application and asigning the roles to a user [link] we now look at adding the below steps to read the...
Part 2: Assign roles to Role Collection
In Cloud Foundry we use the Role Collection which contains all the list of role templates. In the security section navigate to "Role Collections" to view the list of role collections. Each role collection can ...
In this blog post we will read the roles created in previous blog. This blog explains how to assign the custom roles to a user, develop APIs for XSJS and NodeJS to read the roles assigned to a user.
In case of XSJS we have the $.session which gives ...
The User Account and Authentication service (UAA) is used for user authentication and authorization. Mode details at [link]. More details regarding UAA can be found at [link]
We are going to make use of the application service plan. More details abo...
In this blog I will show how you can make use of the route handler to switch between NodeJS and XSJS web services.
Earlier I was using the HANA Classic environment for my developments which made use of XSJS APIs. These days I have been migrating few...
Hi Venu,Sorry for my late reply. I have added a document for creating a delegate node and consuming in FPM, hope it might help you. . :smile: Regards,Mayur
Ya I tested for the FM also in testing client. The language is English only. Still it was not returning anything. I am working in SRM system and using interface SF_PO-BILL_TO. Its same as std smartform BBP_PO. Here the Address no and the name, city e...
Hi, I am getting address no at runtime. I tried with it in my smartform and saw in debugging there is no data available from the exporting parameter for that Address no.. ?