Hello Everyone,In this blog post I would like to show the steps to provision a Selenium Runner in a private landscape and connect it to Cloud ALM using SAP Cloud Connector. This blog post will directly shows configuration steps, for an details about ...
Hello All,It's been a long time since my last post here, I didn't have too much time to elaborate a new post. Anyway, today I could find some time to show something.Today I would like to show step-by-step how to perform the upgrade of the Introscope ...
Hello All,
This configuration of Portal Activity Reporting in SAP Solution Manager is valid for Portal releases lower than SAP Netweaver JAVA 7.30 SP08, 7.31 SP04. If the Portal System has a higher release, refer to the following WIKI page that cont...
Hello All,
Today I would like to talk about the Byte Code Adapter also known as Introscope JAVA Agent or just ISAgent. I already mentioned about the ISAgent on my first post in this blog, but now I would like to provide more details.
Hello All,Today I would like to talk about the Introscope Host Adapter (WilyHost application), an application which runs inside the SMDAgent to collect data from the managed systems. I already did a allam.drebes/blog/2014/04/23/troubleshooting-worklo...
Hello,Nice that post helped you.To configure Selenium Grid (including SSL) you case define settings in a TOML file, and then start it using command mentioned here.Regards,Allam
Hi Aniket,The Enterprise Manager can be installed on any server you want, the solution manager supports it. It is not required to install the EM in the Solman server only.To perform the administrative tasks, the solution manager requires a SMDAgent i...
Hello, I fixed the URL of the post, now it refers to the correct one. Somehow the URL changed. Anyway, you can refer to the following WIKI if you are looking for troubleshooting steps for the Diagnostics Configuration. http://wiki.scn.sap.com/wiki...
Hi Robin,The SAP Host Agent provides several functions in distinct web services that are used by the SMDAgent. For example, the host information CPU, Memory, Disks is provided in the SAPOsCol web services. The SMDAgent gets the host information consu...