Member since ‎2014 Jan 29

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  • 72 Posts
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Hello, I have created an Overview Page App and added an Analytical Card (ChartType - Bar). I have added local annotations for Charts . The card is loading when executed from WebIDE but when deployed on the Fiori Launchpad the card is not loading...
Hello , When I set the Property Sortable to True of a Valuehelp Entity I get an Option to sort in ascending and descending by default in the Valuehelp field when I execute from my development environment, The same code when deployed on the launchpa...
Hello, Is it Mandatory to bind the element when using a Smart Field with Value Help ?I tried with Bind Element in the Controller it is working but if I don't have any Binding specified then the Smart Field was not working , Can you please let me kn...
Hi, I followed the below blog to configure the My Inbox 2.0 . I have done all the configuratio...
Hello, I have strange problem lately where in My Detail View does not get refreshed with the data when i click on an Item in the List Page or Master Page. The data does not change when i press on different list items Instead it shows me a data whic...
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