Like non-XML digital signatures, XML signatures add
Data integrity
and support for non-repudiation to the data that is object of XML digital signing process.
A fundamental feature of XML Signature is the ability to sign only sp...
My obsession with this new way of hitting the PI server using servlets took new turn when a brilliant colleague of mine wanted me to program a way to get target root certificate without having to ask them for or without running a command on your clo...
Based on my previous blog - SICF on PI/PO , We may need to log incoming requests or process the incoming requests (e.g delete few header /prolog etc.) as per our needs before sending it to the adapter.
But the challenge here is you cannot in anyway...
SICF alternative on PI/PO single stack.
In case where customer sends us files on a dual stack, SICF is available to create service and shorten the long technical URLs with various security mechanisms.
Which means something like this
I have a servlet from which I get an array of ids in Json model.
I need to get data from odata service based on these Ids and display in table
The url format is /processes.svc/ProcessInstance(InstanceId...
Thanks Jens, I am fully aware of this openssl method and many other options like the curl command that we can use to get the certificates (for which you cannot use your private laptop as it might not be whitelisted at the target server).
But this a...
I am sorry. I have no idea about dispatchers( as it is with the Basis - no access).
I have heard of URL manipulations using web dispatcher , but don't know how effective they are with the regex and their applicability on our scenarios.
But somehow,...
Too Late to reply , but yes thanks for pointing that . We do have a B2B add on.
This, too, did not help as few files were overwritten due to same timestamp and I ended up writing an adapter module instead as here each message had there own XI header...